NACN is offering an Accountancy Service to Member Groups. The Network is working in partnership with a Chartered Accountant to provide a quality service to Members that are registered charities.
Once a charity is registered with the Charity Commission for N Ireland, it is required to report annually to the Commission on the charity’s finances, resources and activities. This is known as Annual Reporting and is a legal requirement. Within the Annual Reporting registered charities are required to complete and submit an online annual monitoring return, attaching the charity’s:

● Accounts;
● Trustees’ annual report; and
● Report from independent examiner / auditor, as applicable.

To fulfil these requirements NACN will provide full annual accounts and an independent examiners report. The cost of the service will be provided on request. The fee depends on the income of the charity plus the standard of book-keeping in all cases. The service is only available to fully paid up to date Members. Before proceeding, a final price will be quoted once all financial information is provided.

The annual accounts will be completed in PDF format in hard and electronic copy to facilitate online submission to the Charity Commission for N Ireland. Registered charities with income in excess of £500,000 must have their accounts audited. We cannot undertake these assignments.

The service can be provided no less than 12 weeks prior to the filing deadline set by the Charity Commission for each organisation. If you wish to proceed with this service please get in contact ( at least 12 weeks before your Annual Monitoring return date.